Determinants and higher group cocycles


报告人:Ryszard Nest(哥本哈根大学)

 :2019年3月15日  16:00--17:00

 :理科楼 LD302

 :We describe the construction of a universal three cocycle, the higher dimensional analogue of the universal central extension of the loop groups appearing in string theory. The construction also provides an explicit semi-universal formula for the values of the multiplicative Chern character on the third algebraic K–group, generalising the Tate symbol on the K–theory of fields. In analogy with the two cocycle associated to a polarized Hilbert space, the construction extends the known formulas for Tate spaces to the case of smooth, instead of analytic, functions and to the group of invertible elements in non- commutative algebras.This is joint work with Jens Kaad and Jese Wolfson.

报告人简介:Ryszard Nest,哥本哈根大学教授,详细信息可查看网页


