Data clustering: a subspace-matching point of view and K-scalable algorithms


报告人:  (香港中文大学(深圳))

日  期:2019年3月28日

时  间:14:30

地  点:理科楼 LD402

摘  要: Data clustering is a fundamental unsupervised learning strategy. The most popular clustering method is arguably the K-means algorithm, albeit it is usually applied not directly to a dataset given, but to its image in a processed "feature space" (such as in spectral clustering).  The K-means algorithm, however, has been observed to have a deteriorating performance as K, the number of clusters, increases. In this talk, we will examine some clustering models from a subspace-matching viewpoint and promote a so-called K-indicators model.  We apply a partial convex-relaxation scheme to this model and construct "essentially deterministic" algorithms that require no randomized initialization.  We will present theoretical results to justify the proposed algorithms and give extensive numerical results to show their superior scalability over K-means as the number of clusters grows.

(Collaborators: Feiyu Chen, Yuchen Yang, Liwei Xu and Taiping Zhang)


公司联系人:曾 芳

