Solving real world problems: data and mathematics


报告人:Yau Shu Wong(加拿大Alberta大学)

日  期:2019年4月18日

时  间:10:30

地  点:理科楼 LA106

摘  要: With the rapid advances in computer and data storage technologies, massive data have now been routinely recorded in every sector ranging from science, engineering, medical research, business and social networking, etc. Although the technology enables us to collect and to process large amount of data at high frequency rate, we are still lagging a clear understanding of what is the best way to utilize the available data and how to extract important information and feature from the data set. It should be noted that in addition to artificial intelligent and machine learning, knowledge in mathematical and statistical sciences also play an important role in the study of data sciences and its applications to solve real world problems. In this presentation, I review our work and experience on utilizing real data for three real world applications:

(1) Classification in toxicity assessment

(2) Prediction for nonlinear behaviour in aeroelastic systems

(3) Designing an intelligent sprinkler system

报告人简介:Yau Shu Wong,加拿大Alberta大学教授,1978年博士毕业于Oxford大学,先后曾在加拿大British Columbia大学、McGill大学,美国NASA等地从事研究工作,1984年起任Alberta大学教授。主要研究方向为应用数学和科学计算,多次获得加拿大政府自然科学基金和工业界基金的资助,其研究成果曾获加拿大ATB2017年度发明奖等,在 SIAM J. Sci. Comput.,J. Comput. Phys.,Multiscale Model. Simul.等杂志上发表研究论文60余篇。

公司联系人:王 坤

