日 期: 2019年6月26日
时 间: 上午10:30
地 点: 理科楼 LD302
摘 要:The concept of linked partition ideals, introduced by George Andrews.in the 1970s, may play an important role in finding generating functions for various partition sets.
In this talk, I will interpret partition sets with certain difference-at-a-distance themes under this setting. These partition sets are closely related to the Kanade–Russell conjectures. In particular, I will recover six generating function identities due to Kanade and Russell, and Kursungoz. I will also present more identities of the same flavor.
This is joint work with Zhitai Li from Penn State University.
报告人简介:陈小航,美国宾州州立大学博士,师从美国两院院士、前美国数学会主席George E. Andrews教授。研究专长:组合数学,数论;近期工作主要集中在整数分拆领域。已在Ramanujan Journal, Journal of Number Theory,JMAA等组合与数论方向的高水平杂志发表文章近30篇。