腾讯会议ID:978 350 455
摘要:In 1995, Bismut and Lott defined a real analytic torsion form as the generalization of the Ray-Singer analytic torsion to the family case. For a smooth fibration with a flat complex vector bundle, they proved a smooth version of the Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck theorem, relating the characteristic classes of the flat bundle on the total space of the fibration to those of its direct image on the base manifold. They also improved the theorem to the level of differential forms, where the torsion forms appear naturally as the transgression terms.
In this talk we will talk about our joint work with Martin Puchol and Yeping Zhang on the analytic torsion form.
简介:朱家林 重庆理工大学数学科学研究中心 研究员。其研究领域是“微分流形上的整体分析与几何”。更多详情请见https://msrc.cqut.edu.cn/info/1018/1056.htm