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Finite-time stabilization of an overhead with a flexible cable.


报告人:Lionel Rosier(Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale)滨海大学


ZOOM:446 327 9511  密 码: 82GRMQ

链接: https://zoom.us/j/4463279511?pwd=Y3VHMUNFVnRKcXcvWUt6M1NTSUNqZz09 

摘要:We consider a PDE-ODE system describing the motion of an overhead crane with a flexible cable. The motion of the flexible cable is given by a wave equation with a variable coefficient. We consider first the situation when the mass of the cable is neglected, and next the situation when the mass of the cable is taken into account. In both situations, applying a force to the platform in the form of a nonlinear feedback law, we obtain a finite-time stabilization of the system platform + cable.

Numerical simulations will also be presented. This is joint work with Brigitte d'Andr\'ea-Novel, Ivan Moyano and Marc Wijnand.

简介:Lionel Rosier教授于1993年博士毕业,现在在法国北部Calais 省的滨海大学(Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale工作,他为KdV方程控制领域专家和线性热方程控制领域专家。 Lionel Rosier 1997年首次研究KdV方程的边界精确能控性问题,之后陆续研究过Schrodinger方程、Benjamin-Ono 方程、Z-K方程、热方程控制领域和适定性领域的数学问题。他现在为SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) 、Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems (MCSS) 、The Open Operational Research Journal (present)期刊副主编。Lionel Rosier 在过去30年多次到访中国,他到过北京、上海、成都、三亚等地。


