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College Colloquium——Case Study – clinical development of an anti-inflammatory drug(案例研究-抗炎药的临床开发)


报告人:丁迺迪(勃林格殷格翰制药公司统计主任、ASA fellow)



Microsoft Teams会议https://teams.live.com/meet/95681992615392

摘要:Pain management has long been a medical challenge.Chronic pain tends to be the pain that lasts more than three months. Depending on source of pain, it can be classified as neuropathic pain,inflammatory pain,cancer pain,and others.This presentation is a case study of developing a new drug for the management of inflammatory pain.The drug was discovered in the 1980’s. It was developed for three indications – acute pain (use of a dental pain model), osteoarthritis (OA), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).This drug has clear efficacy in all three indications.Unfortunately, after over 10 years of clinical development, a late developed adverse event was considered as potentially toxic to patients.This drug was not marketed because its benefit does not outweigh the associated risks.


简介:丁迺迪(Naitee Ting)教授是美国统计协会的院士(Fellow of American Statistical Association(ASA))。他目前是勃林格殷格翰制药公司(Boehringer-Ingelheim, BI)生物统计学和数据科学部主任。他于20099月加入BI,在加入BI之前,他在辉瑞(Pfizer)公司工作了22年(1987-2009)。Naitee1987年在科罗拉多州立大学获得博士学位(主修统计学)。他拥有密西西比州立大学(1979年,统计学)的硕士学位和台湾台北中华文化学院(1976年,林业)的学士学位。

NaiteeTechnometricsStatistics in MedicineDrug Information JournalJournal of Statistical Planning and InferenceJournal of Biopharaceutical StatisticsBiometrical JournalStatistics and Probability LettersJournal of Statistical Computation and Simulation发表文章。他的书《药物开发中的剂量发现》(Dose Finding in Drug Development)于2006年由Springer出版,被认为是剂量反应临床试验领域的主要参考文献。与Scott Evans合著的《新临床试验者的基本概念》(Fundamental Concepts for New Clinical Trialists)一书于2015年由CRC出版。另一本书《新药的第二阶段临床开发》(Phase II Clinical Development of New Drugs),与ChenHoCappelleri合著于2017年由Springer出版。Naitee是哥伦比亚大学和康涅狄格大学的兼职教授。Naitee一直是美国统计协会(American Statistical AssociationASA)和国际中国统计协会(International Chinese Statistical AssociationICSA)的积极成员。


