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Context-free grammars, permutation statistics and parabolic cylinder functions


报告人: 李振坤(重庆邮电大学)

日  期: 2019年1012

时  间: 16:20

地  点: 理科楼 LD202

摘  要: The idea of employing context-free grammars and formal derivatives to study combinatorial objects was initiated by Chen. In the subsequent work,

Chen and Fu introduced grammatical labelings that give a more intuitive picture of the internal relations between context-free grammars and generating processes of combinatorial structures.

In this talk,we introduce a context-free grammar and the appropriate grammatical labelings to study the joint distributions of several permutation statistics related to descents, rises, peaks and valleys,of which generating functions are proved have strong connections with parabolic cylinder functions.

This talk is based on the joint work with Fu.

报告人简介李振坤,博士毕业于南开大学组合数学中心,师从著名组合数学家陈永川院士。现于重庆邮电大学工作,目前主要研究陈氏文法及其与排列统计量生成函数的关系、含Mock Theta函数的分拆恒等式的组合证明等,已有研究工作发表在Ramanujan J.等组合与数论方向的权威期刊上。


