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How Sensitive are Tail-related Risk Measures in a Contamination neighbourhood


报告人: 凌成秀(西交利物浦大学)

日  期: 2019年611

时  间: 15:00

地  点: 理科楼 LD202

摘  要: Estimation or mis-specification errors in the portfolio loss distribution can have a considerable impact on risk measures. This paper investigates the sensitivity of tail-related risk measures including the Value-at-Risk, expected shortfall and the expectile-quantile transformation level in an epsilon contamination neighbourhood. The findings give the different approximations via the tail heaviness of the contamination models and its contamination levels. Illustrating examples and an empirical study on the dynamic CRIX capturing and displaying the market movements are given. The codes used to obtain the results in this paper are available via QuantLet/SRMC .

报告人简介凌成秀,2005-2018工作于西南大学太阳成集团tyc539,2019年至今工作于西交利物浦大学数学系,副教授,博士毕业于瑞士洛桑大学保险精算专业(2014年10月),主要研究领域为风险管理、极值统计及金融统计建模等。独立完成并在国际顶级保险精算杂志IME, Extremes, ALEA, Statistics上发表论文20余篇,积极参与各类科研学术会议;为Extremes, Journal of Business and Economics Statistics 等杂志匿名审稿20余篇;主持国家级项目2 项,省部级1项,完成教育部项目2 项。


