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Conjugacies between asymmetric Bernoulli shifts


报告人: 石勇国(内江师范学院)



 :理科楼 LD302

 : This talk investigates conjugacies between asymmetric Bernoulli shifts. It is shown that there exist a unique increasing conjugacy and a unique decreasing conjugacy. We respectively construct a sequence of functions to approximate these two conjugacies, and give an estimation for the error of the approximation. We also present explicit formulae of these two conjugacies. It is shown that these two conjugacies are singular, Hölder continuous and not differentiable.

报告人简介: 石勇国,教授。2003年、2006年、2012年分别获得四川大学理学学士、硕士、博士学位。先后到中国科学技术大学、波兰University of Zielona GoraUniversity of Bielsko-Biala Pedagogical University of Kraków、美国University of Colorado at Boulder访问学习与交流。研究方向为函数方程与低维动力系统。发表SCI论文20篇、出版教材1部、出版专著1部。主持完成国家自然科学基金1项、四川省教育厅创新团队基金项目1项。内江师范学院首届“沱江学者”、校领军人才工程后备人选。


