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Asymptotic normality criteria of coefficients of a polynomial and their applications in combinatorics


报告人:叶永南(Yeong-Nan Yeh)(台湾中研院)

日  期:2019年4月8日

时  间:15:30

地  点: 理科楼 LD302

摘  要:The asymptotic distribution theory for coefficients of a polynomial is an active topic in asymptotic analysis. In 1967, Harper proposed a criterion to measure the asymptotic normality of a series of numbers, when he researched the asymptotic behavior of Stirling numbers of the second kind. In this talk, we  will discuss some further asymptotic normality criteria of coefficients of a polynomial with all real roots or purely imaginary roots (including 0).

     These new asymptotic normality criteria turn out to be very efficient and have abundant applications in combinatorics, mainly including the coefficients of a series of characteristic polynomials of adjacency matrix, Laplacian matrix, signless Laplacian matrix, skew-adjacency matrix, chromatic polynomial, and some graph numbers, such as matching numbers, independence numbers, clique numbers. Among which, we generalize and verify some conjectures about asymptotic normality in combinatorics, e.g., the matching numbers proposed by Godsil [1] and Kahn [2], the (signless) Laplacian coefficients claimed by Wang  et al. [3].



[1] C.D. Godsil, G. Royle, Algebraic Graph Theory, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001.

[2] J. Kahn, A normal law for matchings, Combinatorica 20 (2000) 339--391.

[3] Y. Wang, H.-X. Zhang, B.-X. Zhu, Asymptotic normality of Laplacian coefficients of graphs, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 455 (2017) 2030--2037.

报告人简介:叶永南,台湾中研院数学研究所研究员,1985年在美国纽约州立大学水牛城分获得博士学位,1987年7月返台担任中研院数学所副研究员,1991年1月晋升为研究员迄今。曾任加拿大魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校信息与数学系研究学者,麻省理工学院数学系、加州大学伯克利分校统计系和澳洲Monash大学经济系访问学者。学术研究除了数学之外,还涉及物理化学、统计、经济等多个领域。曾任台湾数学推动中心主任,中研院数学所副所长,多次获得台湾中研院杰出研究奖,国科会杰出研究奖,国科会杰出研究计划奖。已发表的论文有百余篇,组合论国际顶级杂志JCTA曾发表专门文章介绍Yeh-species, 这个由叶永南研究员名字命名的领域,现在这一方向的研究仍然在不断深入。目前,叶永南研究员的研究主要在图的Tutte多项式及其相关组合结构、图的着色,以及计数组合学中的排列统计量等方面。


