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Relative equilibrium configurations of gravitationally interacting rigid bodies


报告人:Richard Moeckel(美国明尼苏达大学)

 :2019年2月27日  14:00--15:00

 :理科楼 LA106

 : Consider a collection of n rigid, massive bodies interacting according to their mutual gravitational attraction.  A relative equilibrium motion is one where the entire configuration rotates rigidly and uniformly about a fixed axis — all of the bodies are phase locked.   Such a motion is possible only for special positions and orientations of the bodies.   A minimal energy motion is one which has the minimum possible energy in its fixed angular momentum level.  While every minimal energy motion is a relative equilibrium motion, the main result here is that a relative equilibrium motion of n >= 3 disjoint rigid bodies is never an energy minimizer.  Since energy minimizers are the expected final states produced by tidal interactions, phase locking of 3 or more bodies will not occur.

报告人简介:Richard Moeckel,美国明尼苏达大学数学系教授,国际知名多体问题专家,详见其个人主页




