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Entropy and continuous orbit equivalence


报告人: David Kerr (美国德州农工大学)


 : 2018年7月20日  14:00—15:00


 : 理科楼 LD302


 :Recently Austin showed that, for free probability-measure-preserving actions of countably infinite amenable groups, entropy is preserved under bounded and L^1 orbit equivalence, and more generally that an entropy scaling formula holds for stable versions of these equivalences. I will explain how Austin's geometric techniques can be applied to the realm of topological dynamics to show that,for topologically free actions of countably infinite amenable groups on compact metrizable spaces, topological entropy is an invariant of continuous orbit equivalence.


报告人简介:David Kerr,美国德州农工大学教授。更多详细信息请见http://www.math.tamu.edu/~kerr/


公司联系人: 李寒峰



