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Asymptotic Model Equations Arising in Shallow Water Theory


报告人: Yue Liu (美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校)

 : 20186月6  15:00--16:20

 : 理科楼LA106


 :The study of water waves has a long history starting from Euler in 1752, and continues to be a very active area to the present day. Mathematically, the water wave equations describe the motion of water bounded above by a free surface. This free surface is subject to a constant (atmospheric) pressure, while gravity acts as an external force. In this talk, I will start by demonstrating the underlying complexity of the physical system, and then I will discuss possible simplifications in the "shallow water" regime along with the relevant physical phenomena. In particular, I will focus on the singularity formation of the Cauchy problem for the simplified nonlocal shallow-water models, such as Camassa-Holm-type equations in 1D and 2D cases.


报告人简介: Yue Liu ,美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校数学系教授。刘教授1994年博士毕业于美国布朗大学数学系,师从国际著名数学家Walter Strauss教授,其研究兴趣在非线性波解的适定性、稳定性、长时间性态以及数值计算等,是国际上偏微分方程研究尤其是浅水波领域的一流专家,目前已在CPAM, CMP, ARMA, Adv. Math, J. ReineAngew. Math., JMPA,Math.Ann.,Math.Z., JFA, CPDE, TAMS, Nonlinearity与 JDE等国际著名刊物上发表论文90余篇,是国际上非线性发展方程理论研究领域的权威中青年学者。


公司联系人: 穆春来


