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Fair measure and fair entropy for non-Markov interval maps, and its relationships with Martin boundary


报告人: 张一威 (华中科技大学)


 : 2018年6月11日   16:30--17:30


 : 理科楼LA106


 :The fair entropy is computed following backward trajectories in a way such that at each step every preimage can be chosen with equal probability. In this paper, we continue studying the fair measure and the fair entropy for non-invertible interval maps under the framework of thermodynamic formalism. We extend several results in [RM] to the non-Markov setting, and we prove that for each symmetric tent map the fair entropy is equal to the topological entropy if and only if the slope is equal to 2. Moreover, we also show that the fair measure is usually an equilibrium state, which has its own interest in stochastic mechanics.If time permitted, I will also dicuss some recent progresses on the (Martin) boundary problems related to the Fair measures. These are joint works with A. Rodrigues and M. Denker. 


[RM]:Misiurewicz, M.; Rodrigues, A. Counting pre-images Accepted in ETDS, 2016


报告人简介:张一威,现为华中科技大学数学中心副研究员,工作重心集中在非线性动力系统现代理论及其与统计物理、概率论、信息论、控制论,图论等多个数学,计算科学分支的交叉与融合。研究成果涉及遍历优化、 热力学机制、几何测度论、以及刻画细胞生物现象以及天体运行的数学机制等多个方向。自2012年10月获得博士以来,候选人先后主持了智利国家Fondecyt 基金一项, 国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目一项,教育部直属高校外籍文教专家年度聘请计划一项,并参与瑞典国家自然科学基金一项,英国国家EPSRC自然科学基金一项,2017年入选湖北省青年晨光计划。截止目前,本人研究成果发表在包括Int. Mathem. Res. Notes,,Ergodic Theory Dyn. Syst.,Discrete and continous dyn syst., Biophys. J.和Astrophysics. J等国际期刊发表10余篇论文。





