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Characterizations of the Holder space


报告人: Yongsheng Han ( 韩永生,Auburn University)


 : 2018年5月24  1600---17:00


 : 理科楼LA106


 :The Holder space is one of the most important spaces in the study for partial dierential equations. The purpose of this talk is to describe the Littlewood-Paley characterizations of the Holder spaces. These characterizations can be generalized to the Holder spaces with mixed homogeneities, namely the standard isotropic and non-isotropic dilations. Therefore, these Holder spaces can be used to the study for the partial dierential equations with mixed elliptic and heat partial dierential equations.


报告人简介:Prof. Yongsheng Han (韩永生教授


08/1984 Ph.D., Mathematics, Washington University in St. Louis

04/1981 M.S., Mathematics, Peking University in China

12/1968 B.S., Mathematics, Peking University

韩教授长期从事调和分析研究,在包括Memoirs of AMS,Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis,Trans.Amer. Math. Soc.  Journal of Functional Analysis, Journal of Geometric Analysis,Ann. Sc. Norm. Supper. Pisa CI Sci.  Math. Z., Mathematical Proccedings of Cambridge Philosophical Soc.,中国科学等国内外重要数学期刊上发表论文近百篇。


公司联系人: 穆春来


