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Optimal ordering policy for inventory mechanism with a stochastic short-term price discount


报告人: 王宜举 (曲阜师范大学)


 : 2018.04.09星期14:00--16:00


 : 理科楼LA106


 : This talk considers an inventory mechanism in which the supplier may provide a short-term price discount to the retailer at a future time with some uncertainty. To maximize the retailer's profit in this setting, we establish an optimal replenishment and stocking strategy model. Based on the retailer's inventory cost-benefit analysis, we present a closed-form solution for the inventory model and provide an optimal ordering policy to the retailer. Numerical experiments and numerical sensitivity are given to provide some high insights to the inventory model.


报告人简介:  王宜举,教授,博士生导师。中国科学院博士,香港理工大学博士后。主要从事最优化的理论与算法研究,发表有一定学术影响力的论文80多篇,部分成果被应用于弹性力学、信号处理、神经网络和支持向量机研究。先后承担国家和省部级科研项目10余项。获省部级科技奖励6项。多次到香港城市大学、香港理工大学和科廷大学(澳大利亚)进行学术访问和交流。2014年,享受国务院特殊津贴。


公司联系人: 李声杰

