8:30-9:10 |
开幕式 |
主持人 |
杨虎 |
照相 |
时间 |
报告 |
主持人 |
9:10-9:55 |
谷同祥(北京应用物理与计算数学研究所) 高效能解法器研制与应用 |
魏益民 |
9:55-10:25 |
蔡云峰(北京大学) A block term decomposition of third order tensors |
10:25-10:45 |
茶歇 |
10:45-11:30 |
石磊(云南财经大学) 合作行为及其演化动力--基于多学科的交叉研究 |
杨虎 |
11:30-12:00 |
马铁丰(西南财经大学) A Stein-type shrinkage estimator of covariance matrix for portfolio selections |
12:00-14:00 |
午餐(三食堂三楼)、午休 |
14:00-14:30 |
向华(武汉大学) Randomized algorithms for large-scale ill-conditioned linear systems |
蔡云峰 |
14:30-15:00 |
张雷洪(上海财经大学) On the generalized Lanczos Trust-Region method |
15:00-15:30 |
邬吉波(重庆文理学院) Improvement of generalized difference-based mixed Liu estimator in partially linear model |
马铁丰 |
15:30-16:00 |
王少新(曲阜师范大学) Conditioning theory of equality constrained quadratic programming and its application in portfolio selection |
16:00-16:20 |
茶歇 |
16:20-16:50 |
黄荣(湘潭大学) A periodic qd-type reduction for computing eigenvalues of structured matrix products to high relative accuracy |
向华 |
16:50-17:20 |
贾志刚(江苏师范大学) Structured perturbation analysis of the self-adjoint polynomial matrix equations |
17:20-17:50 |
李铁香(东南大学) Transmission eigenvalues for the electromagnetic scattering problem in pseudo-chiral media and a practical reconstruction method |
陈小山 |
17:50-18:20 |
车茂林(西南财经大学) Neural networks for computing best rank-one approximations of tensors and its applications |
18:20-20:00 |
晚餐 |