报告人:杨璟玲 (香港中文大学深圳)
腾讯会议ID:231 241 904
摘要:It has been well known that any closed, orientable 3-manifold can be obtained by performing Dehn surgery on a link in S . One of the most prominent problems in 3-manifold topology is to list all the possible lens spaces that can be obtained by a Dehn surgery along a knot in S3, which has been solved by Greene. A natural generalization of this problem is to list all the possible lens spaces that can be obtained by a Dehn surgery from other lens spaces. Besides, considering surgeries between lens spaces is also motivated from DNA topology. In this talk, we will discuss distance one surgeries between lens spaces L(n,1) with n ≥ 5 odd and lens spaces L(s, 1) for s ̸= 0 ∈ Z and corresponding band surgeries from T (2, n) to T (2, s), by using Heegaard Floer mappping cone formula. We give an almost complete classification of the above surgeries.
简介:杨璟玲博士,2020年博士毕业于香港中文大学,毕业后在香港中文大学(深圳)做博士后。研究领域包括:低维拓扑, 扭结理论,Heegaard Floer 理论,DNA 拓扑。