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College Colloquium—Vershik’s Conjecture and Omnigenous Groups




腾讯会议ID:321 194 370

摘要:Vershik conjectured that Hall’s universal countable locally finite group embeds densely in the isometry group of the universal Urysohn space and the isomorphism group of the countable random graph. We define a notion of omnigenous group that has Hall’s group as an example and show that Vershik’s conjecture holds with Hall’s group replaced by any countable omnigenous locally finite group. We also find connections between omnigenity and a notion in combinatorial group theory known as the MIF (mixed identity free) property. There are many interesting open problems about omnigenous groups. This is joint work with Mahmood Etedadialiabadi, François Le Maître, and Julien Melleray.

简介:Su Gao recently joined the School of Mathematical Sciences of Nankai University as a University Chair Professor. Previously he was a Regents Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the College of Science at the University of North Texas. He earned his BS from Peking University, MS from Chern Institute of Mathematics, PhD from UCLA, and was a postdoc at Caltech. He has published in top mathematics journals such as Inventiones Mathematicae, Advances in Mathematics, and Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. He has published over 50 articles and a book Invariant Descriptive Set Theory.


