腾讯会议ID:871 335 554 (无密码)
摘要:A probability measure is called a spectral measure if the corresponding square integrable space admits a family of exponential functions as an orthonormal basis. The spectrality of fractal measures has been extensively studied in the last two decades. In this talk, we introduce some results on spectrality of random convolutions generated by finitely many Hadamard triples in one-dimensional space. Under some assumptions, we show that all random convolutions are spectral measures. In the general case, we prove that almost all random convolutions are spectral measures with respect to the Bernoulli measure. This is joint work with Wenxia Li and Jun Jie Miao ( arXiv:2203.11619).
简介:王志强,华东师范大学数学科学学院博士研究生。导师:李文侠教授。研究方向:分形几何及其应用。到目前为止,在Adv.Math.(已接受)、J. Number Theory 和 Adv.in Appl.Math.期刊发表论文三篇。