时间:2022年 12月9日 15:00-
腾讯会议ID:260 164 461
摘要:Let $\Gamma_{\beta,\{0,1\}}$ be the self-similar set generated by the IFS $\{\phi_k(x)=\beta x+k(1-\beta),k\in\{0,1\}\}$ with $\beta\in (0,\frac 13)$ and let $0=t_0<t_1<\cdots<t_m$ be $m+1$ positive numbers. We define $\Gamma=\cup_{j=0}^m(\Gamma_{\beta,\{0,1\}}+t_j)$ and investigate the necessary and sufficient condition for $\Gamma$ to be a self-similar. Besides, we will give some examples. This is in joint work with Derong Kong, Wenxia Li & Yunxiu Zhang.
简介:姚媛媛,华东理工大学副教授。研究方向:分形几何及其应用。在Nonlinearity、Adv.in Appl.Math.等期刊发表SCI论文十余篇;曾获得华东理工大学青年教师教学比赛二等奖、理学院教学比赛一等奖;科普视频播放量10万+。