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Stability conditions on cyclic categories


报告人 :刘昱成(北京国际数学中心)

时间:2023年02月15日 14:00-15:00


摘要:The phenomenon [2] = [0] is ubiquitous in mathematics. In this talk, we will focus on triangulated categories with a Bott isomorphism  β: [2]≃id. We call such a triangulated category a cyclic category. On such categories, it is easy to see that there is no t-structures, hence no Bridgeland stability conditions either. 

      However, in this talk, we will introduce a new notion of stability conditions on cyclic categories. Along this way, we will see a notion of Maslov index, which plays the same role as in Fukaya categories, i.e. when all the Maslov indexes vanish, we can lift our stability conditions on a Z/2Z-graded cyclic categories to the usual Bridgeland stability condition on a Z-graded triangulated categories.I will present some examples of our stability conditions on the category of equivariant matrix factorizations, which also appeared in FJRW-theory. We will observe the phenom-enon of chirality symmetry breaking in these examples, which might be of some physics interests.


