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Differentiability and Holder spectrum of self-affine functions


报告人 :Pieter AllaartUniversity of North Texas

时间:2023年03月24日 10:00-

Zoom会议:839 9169 8376  密码:314159

摘要:In 1973, P. Lax published a surprising paper about the differentiability of Polya's space-filling curve. In 2006, H. Okamoto introduced a completely different one-parameter family of functions, whose differentiability structure is nonetheless quite similar to that of the Polya curve. In this talk I will explain that both functions are in fact members of the same general class of self-affine functions. In addition to discussing differentiability of functions in this class, I will also show how one can compute their pointwise Holder (or multifractal) spectrum. If time permits, I will briefly discuss a more recent extension of this work.

简介:Pieter Allaart, 美国North Texas大学数学系教授。研究方向:分形几何、动力系统、概率论。在Adv.Math., Trans.AMS, ETDS等期刊发表论文50余篇。


