报告人 :Dmitri Piontkovski(HSE University, Moscow)
时间:2023年03月14日 19:00-
摘要:今天Dmitri Piontkovski将继续为我们开设线上课程Growth and homology in graded rings. 他将为我们带来三次课程与一次报告,课程讲授Growth and homology in graded rings理论的基础知识,由入门到精通。报告内容则是Growth and homology in graded rings的一些最新进展。这是系列课程的的第三次.
简介:Dmitri Piontkovski is a Senior Researcher and Professor at HSE University, Moscow (Russia). He obtained his Ph.D. at Lomonosov University in 1998 under the supervision of Prof. Evgeni Golod. He was a research visitor at University Autonoma de Madrid, University of Bari, (Italy), Rutgers (USA), Bar Ilan (Israel), and others. He is an author of more than 40 articles on graded rings, homological algebra, operads, and applications to economics and physics.