报告人 :王志强(华东师范大学)
时间:2023年03月31日 09:30-
摘要:A probability measure is called a spectral measure if the corresponding square integrable space admits a family of exponential functions as an orthonormal basis. We study the spectrality of infinite convolutions generated by a sequence of admissible pairs by using the equi-positivity condition and the integral periodic zero set. Some recent results will be introduced: (i) a class of singular continuous spectral measures without compact support; (ii) the random convolution in one-dimensional space; (iii) some spectral measures supported in.This is joint work with Wenxia Li and Jun Jie Miao.
简介:王志强,华东师范大学数学科学学院博士研究生。导师:李文侠教授。研究方向:分形几何及其应用。到目前为止,在Adv. Math.、Math. Z.、J. Number Theory 和 Adv. in Appl. Math. 期刊发表论文四篇,并荣获第十六届钟家庆数学奖。