报告人 :陈海鹏(深圳技术大学)
时间:2023年04月14日 09:30-
地点:数统学院 LD302
摘要:The popcorn graph is a fundamental example in real analysis and related branches in mathematics. In this talk, we will briefly introduce the popcorn function and popcorn graph, and then discuss the dimension theory of the popcorn graph and related problems. This is joint works with Dr. A. Banaji, Prof. J. M. Fraser, Dr. H. Yu.
简介:陈海鹏博士,博士毕业于华南理工大学,现就职于深圳技术大学数学系。研究方向包括分形几何、几何测度论、数论等。目前在Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., J. Fractal Geom., Real. Anal. Exch., J. Math. Anal. Appl., Fractals, 等期刊上发表论文8篇。