报告人 :杨海亮(香港大学)
时间:2023年05月05日 09:00--
摘要:In this talk, I shall illustrate some applications of AI, in particular deep learning in actuarial science. I shall provide some general introduction first, then briefly go through 3 papers. One is an example of using supervised learning to solve an optimal investment, dividend and reinsurance problem. The second one provides some convergence analysis on the algorithms in the first paper. The third one is an example of using unsupervised learning to deal with insurance fraud detection.
简介:杨海亮教授现任职于香港大学统计与精算系,他长期从事保险精算、数理金融和应用概率论的研究,现担任保险精算领域顶级期刊Insurance: Mathematics and Economics主编,以及多个重要国际期刊副主编,包括North American Actuarial Journal,Stochastics等。他是国际著名精算学者,多次应邀在国际学术大会上作大会报告,是英国精算师协会名誉会员、瑞士精算师协会通信会员、国际统计协会会员。同时,他还兼任Springer Actuarial series、Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance等丛书编辑。