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Poiseuille Flow of Full Ericksen-Leslie System Modeling Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows


报告人 :黄涛(韦恩州立大学)

时间:2023年05月04日 14:30--

腾讯会议 ID217 676 686(无密码)

摘要:We study the Cauchy problem of the Poiseuille flow of full Ericksen-Leslie model for nematic liquid crystals. The model is a coupled system of a parabolic equation for the velocity of fluid and a wave equation for the director field of liquid crystal molecules. For a particular choice of physical parameters, we construct solutions with smooth initial data and finite energy that produce singularities in finite time for both 1D and 2D. At the time of singularity, the gradient of solution blows up.  We are also able to establish the existence of global weak solutions in 1D.

简介:黄涛,韦恩州立大学助理教授,肯塔基大学博士,曾在宾州州立大学从事博士后研究工作。研究方向为非线性偏微分方程,已在Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.,Int. Math. Res. Not.,Indiana Univ. Math. J.,Comm. Partial Differential Equations等杂志发表20余篇论文。

邀请人:穆春来  王华桥

