时间:2023年09月25日 09:30-
摘要:This paper is motivated by the metric theory of limsup sets of rectangles where the sidelengths of the rectangles are far beyond being comparable. Consider the metric theory of the following limsup set coming from a combination of Diophantine approximation and shrinking target problem:
It will disclose some un-observed but general phenomenon for the dimension of limsup sets defined by rectangles. As a byproduct, it yields a visible structure of the product of the set of Liouville numbers: contains a limsup set defined by rectangles of dimension 1.
简介:吴军,男,华中科技大学太阳成集团tyc539教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者。2002年入选教育部跨世纪优秀人才计划,2007年入选百千万工程国家级人选。研究方向分形几何与度量数论。在Adv. Math.、Math. Ann.、 Israel J. Math. 等知名数学杂志上发表110余篇学术论文。