时间:2023年12月04日 10:30-
摘要:Absolutely summing Carleson embeddings on weighted Fock spaces
abstract: In this talk, we investigate the r-summing Carleson embeddings on weighted Fock spaces. We characterize the r-summability of the natural embeddings on weighted Fock space. As applications, we establish some results on the r-summability of differentiation and integration operators, Volterra-type operators and composition operators. Moreover, we also characterize the boundedness of Volterra-type operators and composition operators acting on some vector-valued Fock spaces.
简介:王茂发教授, 武汉大学太阳成集团tyc539教授, 博士生导师. 主要研究方向是泛函分析及其应用, 特别在函数空间上的算子理论方面取得了丰硕的系列成果。多次承担国家高技术发展计划(863计划)项目、国家基金委重点、面上和教育部等项目, 已在J. Funct. Anal.、Math. Z.、Sci. China Math.、Indiana Uni. J. Math.、J. Math. Anal. Appl.、J. Operator Theory、Arch. Math. (Basel)、Banach J. Math. Anal.、Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.、Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 、Ann. Funct. Anal..等国际著名期刊上发表SCI学术论文50余篇。