时间:2024年01月04日 10:30-
摘要:The observability problem for the Schrodinger equation concerns the lower bound of the probability for observing quantum particles in a localized region (control domain). In this talk,we consider the the linear Schrodinger equation with a bounded potential on the real line. When the observation domain is thick,we prove an optimal quantitative observability inequality with an explicit control cost. The proof combines techniques from diverse domains of analysis. This talk is based on a joint work with Pei SU and Xu YUAN.
简介:孙晨旻,法国国家科研中心和巴黎十二大助理研究员,主要研究方向为分析,偏微分方程以及相关的数学物理问题. 近年来的兴趣主要集中于微局部分析的应用,线性与非线性波的控制以及非线性哈密顿系统的统计力学方法。