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College Colloquium--On a problem of Whitney type in algebraic geometry


报告人:Claire Voisin(法国巴黎索邦大学朱西厄数学研究所)

时间:2024年04月12日 14:00-


摘要:Whitney embedding theorem in differential geometry says that a small perturbation f' of a map  f between two compact manifolds of dimensions m and n  (hence f' is  isotopic, and a fortiori homotopic to f) is an embedding if n>2m. I will discuss a related question, asked by Borel and Haefliger, in complex algebraic geometry: can we write the cohomology class of an algebraic subvariety Y of a smooth projective variety X  as a combination with integral coefficients of classes of smooth algebraic subvarieties? I will discuss classical and recent results on this question, with emphasis on the  case  where 2dim Y <dim X, which I recently solved in the affirmative in collaboration with J. Kollár.

简介:Claire Voisin,法国巴黎索邦大学朱西厄数学研究所研究员,法国科学院院士,国际数学家大会1小时报告一次、45分钟报告一次,曾获美国数学会AMS Satter奖、克莱研究奖、邵逸夫奖,欧洲联合国教科文组织奖、克拉福德数学奖,长期从事Kähler流形、代数簇的Hodge理论、镜像对称等研究,解决了Kodaira问题和Green猜想这两个长期未决的代数几何难题。 2024年4月受聘为四川大学荣誉教授。


