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Variational Analysis and its Origins in Optimization


报告人:Rockafellar Ralph Tyrrell (美国华盛顿大学)

时间:2024年04月28日 15:00-


摘要:With the invention of powerful computers, it became possible to solve huge problems of kinds never before considered, but new mathematical theory was needed for that.  In optimization, the desire may be to make a decision the minimizes a cost, but upper or lower bounds on other quantities affected by the decision must be respected.  This leads to a challenging role for inequalities, in contrast to the equations around which classical analysis revolved almost entirely.  Convex sets and functions entered the picture and demonstrated the importance of one-sided tangent vectors and normal vectors along with set-valued subgradient mappings based on the geometry of epigraphs instead of graphs of functions.  But those ideas have evolved into a much larger form of analysis that reaches far beyond convexity.

简介:Rockafellar(洛克菲勒)教授是美国华盛顿大学荣誉退休教授。1963 年博士毕业于哈佛大学,导师是世界著名数学大师伯克霍夫院士。洛克菲勒教授是世界公认的凸分析及其应用大师,他曾分别于1966年和1983年应邀在4年一次的国际数学家大会上做45 分钟报告,这是非常高的荣誉,很少有数学家被邀请做国际数学家大会报告,两次被邀请的更少。他曾应邀在世界多所大学和多个国际会议上作了近千场学术报告。他于1970年出版的《凸分析》专著已经成为经典,仅美国数学评论上显示的被引用的次数就有6000多次,如果算及其他学科的引用,应该超万次,他还有其他的一些专著,并发表了200多篇论文,有多个定理和方法以他的名字命名,美国数学评论显示洛克菲勒教授的工作被1万多位作者引用2万多次。他也是多个国际数学刊物的编委,还曾获得以大数学家 Von Neumann(冯诺依曼)及 Dantzig名字命名的数学大奖。


