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Mini-course: Interplay between dynamical systems, C*-algebras, and group theory




第一次    2024年06月18日  09:00    理科楼LA103 

第二次    2024年06月20日  09:00    数统学院LD302   

第三次    2024年06月25日  09:00    理科楼LA103    

第四次    2024年06月27日  09:00    理科楼LA103


摘要:In this series, we will explore the connections between topological dynamical systems, C*-algebras, and group theory. Specifically, we will first discuss the notion of almost finiteness,which was recently introduced by Matui and refined by Kerr as a dynamical analog of Z-stability in the context of crossed product C*-algebras.Additionally, we will examine topological full groups originating from Cantor dynamical systems. These were initially introduced by Giordano,Putnam, and Skau as an algebraic invariant for orbit equivalence relations, and have found applications in geometric group theory, e.g., providing new interesting examples of groups with certain properties.To lay the groundwork, we will first review the relevant background, definitions, and concepts from the domains of dynamical systems, operator algebras, and group theory. We will then delve deeper into the two aforementioned ideas, providing proofs of the fundamental results associated with them. Time permitting, we will also briefly touch on some recent developments in these areas.

简介:马昕,加拿大Fields Institute 博士后。


