| 2012年美国竞赛讨论班时间表
| 2012/1/1
| 寒假的美国竞赛培训定于1月15至20日,2月3至9日,具体时间,地点,内容如下,请大家相互转告.
地点:理科楼117, 上午8:30——11:30,下午3:00——6:00
| 内容
| 报告员工
| 教师
| 1月15日上午
| Mobile to Mobil: The Primary Energy Costs for Cellular and Landline Telephones(2009B)
| 赵宏博,赵骞,张霄
| 肖剑
| Energy Implications of Cellular Proliferationin the U.S.(2009B)
| 余锦璟,李鸣慎,凌超
| Modeling Telephony Energy Consumption(2009B)
| 梁伟,王静,李鹏来
| The Most Expensive Is Not The Best(2008C)
| 方月李顺忠周玉林
| 1月15日下午
| Project H.E.R.O.:Hurricane Emergency RouteOptimization(2001B)
| 彭康哲,魏毅,何雨晨
| Traffic Flow Models and the Evacuation Problem(2001B)
| 钟冬梅,杨蕴涵,范佳南
| Please Move Quickly and Quietly to the Nearest Freeway(2001B)
| 崔巍贺宇挺张敬栋
| 1月16日上午
| A Simulation-Based Assessment of Traffic Circle Control(2009A)
| 余长厅,聂帮帮,张苏香
| 徐建文
| One Ring to Rule Them All: The Optimization of Traffic Circles(2009A)
| 涂静雯,谢涛,郭畅
| Three Steps to Make the Traffic Circle Go Round(2009A)
| 邓围伊,张颖,黄攀
| 1月16日下午
| The Sweet Spot: A Wave Model of Baseball Bats(2010A)
| 甘立军,段斌,刘志鹏
| Sweet Spot, Not so “Sweet” to Hands(2010A)北邮一等
| 王旻玮,马晓祯,周玮
| Judges’ Commentary: The Outstanding Sweet Spot Papers(2010A)
| 苏伟,徐远锋,王希
| 1月17日上午
| A Difficulty Metric and Puzzle Generator for Sudoku(2008B)
| 赵根,王岳东,杭启飞
| 何光辉
| Taking the Mystery Out of Sudoku Difficulty:An Oracular Model(2008B)
| 邱刚,何敏,冉然
| Difficulty-Driven Sudoku Puzzle Generation(2008B)
| 杨双蔓,李福,李夫
| 1月17日下午
| Novel Approaches to Airline Boarding(2007B)
| 李永森,吴艳芳,杨忠毅
| 黄光辉
| Boarding at the Speed of Flight(2007B)
| 廖丹鹤,崔鲁,刘孙相与
| STAR: (Saving Time, Adding Revenues) Boarding/Deboarding Strategy(2007B)
| 崔晓通,王奎芳,江梦春
| 1月18日上午
| When Topologists Are Politicians…(2007A)
| 陈俊伟,王立强,陈立平
| 胡小兵
| What to Feed a Gerrymander(2007A)
| 姜昆,王旭,许骏什
| Electoral Redistricting with Moment of Inertia and Diminishing Halves Models(2007A)
| 夏立琼,吴柯毅,石磊
| 1月18日下午
| Shedding Light on Marine Pollution(2010C)
| 陆熙,常乐,罗天
| 刘朝林
| Help Marine Win The WAR(2010C)finalist
| 匡国文,郭雨濛,熊刚
| Commentary: The Outstanding Marine Pollution Papers(2010C)
| 左欣,彭甜,杨丽
| 1月19日上午
| The Impending Effects of North Polar Ice Cap Melt(2008A)
| 刘建焕,邱金山,刘东洪
| 何仁斌
| A Convenient Truth: Forecasting Sea Level Rise(2008A)
| 胡宗延,宋鹤,韦金凤
| Fighting theWaves: The Effect of North PolarIce Cap Melt on Florida(2008A)
| 李智、潘俊良、胡东坡
| 1月19日下午
| Rebalancing Human-Influenced Ecosystems(2009C)
| 杨子怡,周光昕,樊苑苑
| Striving for Balance: Why Reintroducing More Species to Fish Farm Ecosystem Yields Bigger Profits (2009C)
| 方芳,何少华,张梦雨
| Commentary:The Outstanding Coral Reef Papers (2009C)
| 刘昊,方文逸,陈翠婷
| 1月20日上午
| Centroids, Clusters, and Crime: Anchoring the Geographic Profiles of Serial Criminals(2010B)
| 仇铄,张李琦,张曾宇
| 温罗生
| Tracking Serial Criminals with a Road Metric(2010B)WashingtonUniversity7273
| 朱博莉,赵益彬,林梦然
| Judges’ Commentary: The Outstanding Geographic Profiling Papers, The Fusaro Award for the Geographic Profiling Problem(2010B)
| 赵亚东,戚洪源,王云柳
| Safe Landings(2003A)
| 赵一洁,刘锐,刘佳
| 1月20日下午
| Optimizing the Effectiveness of Organ Allocation(2007C)
| 宁俊锋,陈章兴,刘波
| 荣腾中
| Analysis of Kidney Transplant System Using Markov Process Models (2007C)
| 董淑怡,何亚坪,王磊
| Commentary: The Outstanding Kidney Exchange Papers(2007C)
| 程似骐,邓永莉,陈强胜
| 2月3—7日
| 模拟竞赛
| 2月9日
| 竞赛准备
| 2月10-14日
| 正式竞赛
| | |