

一、 教改项目

  1. 国家教育部世行贷款 21 世纪初高等公司产品改革项目“数学实验课程教学研究与实践”,任善强,刘琼荪,龚劬,傅鹂,何中市等, 2000.1-2003.8 ;

  2. 重庆市教改项目“数学实验课程体系教学内容及多媒体教学课件研究与实践”,本课题组全体成员,1999.10 - 2003.9;

  3. 高等教育 " 十五 " 国家级教材规划《数学实验》, 任善强,刘琼荪,龚劬,何中市,傅鹂, 2002-2004 ;

  4. 重庆市高校市级重点课程建设项目“数学建模与数学实验”,任善强,龚劬,刘琼荪,王晓宏,何仁斌等, 2002-2004 ;

  5. 重庆市高校市级重点课程建设项目“概率论与数理统计”,本课题组部分成员, 2002-2004 ;

  6. 重庆市教改项目“应用数学专业人才培养方案及教学内容课程体系改革的研究与实践”, 2001 — 2003 ,本项目组部分成员;

  7. 教育部国家级子课题:将数学建模思想融入概率统计课程, 2003 年 -2005 年, 本项目组部分成员;

  8. 重庆市精品课程建设项目“数学实验”,任善强,龚劬,刘琼荪,何中市、傅鹂等, 2004-今 。


  1. 国家级教学成果二等奖“数学实验课程教学模式和方法的研究与实践”,国家教育部颁发, 2001.12 ,刘琼荪,龚劬,傅鹂,任善强,何中市;

  2. 国家级教学成果奖二等奖“以数学建模教学为突破口,促进工科数学教学改革”,国家教育部颁发, 1997.10 ,任善强,刘琼荪,龚劬,傅鹂,何中市;

  3. 重庆市教学成果一等奖:“数学实验课程教学研究与实践”,重庆市人民政府颁发, 2001.12 ,刘琼荪,龚劬,傅鹂,任善强,何中市;

  4. 四川省教学成果一等奖“以数学建模教学为突破口,促进工科数学教学改革”,四川省人民政府颁发, 1997.9 ,任善强,刘琼荪,龚劬,傅鹂,何中市;

  5. 重庆市优秀电教科研成果二等奖:“数学实验课程多媒体电子课件”,重庆市教委颁发, 2002.11 ,龚劬,刘琼荪;

  6. 教材《数学实验》被评为“十五”国家级规划教材, 2002 年;

  7. 全国老员工数学建模竞赛优秀组织工作者:任善强,优秀指导教师:龚劬,刘琼荪,全国老员工数学建模竞赛组委会颁发, 2001 年;

  8. 数学建模与数学实验研究组 2002 年获特等功 1 项, 2003 年获记大功 2 项,太阳成集团颁发;

  9. 教材《数学实验》(科学出版社, 2000 年)获太阳成集团优秀教材一等奖, 傅鹂,龚劬,刘琼荪,何中市, 2002 年。













































  1. 刘琼荪,龚劬,何中市,傅鹂,任善强,“十五”国家级规划教材:数学实验,高等教育出版社,2004.7

  2. 傅鹂,龚劬,刘琼荪,何中市,数学实验,科学出版社,2000.9;

  3. 何仁斌,MATLAB 6 工程计算及应用,太阳成集团出版社,2001年;

  4. 杨大地,谈骏渝,实用数值分析,太阳成集团出版社,2000.2;

  5. 龚劬,任善强,刘琼荪,傅鹂,数学实验课程教学体系的构建和完善,工程数学学报,Vol.20,No.8, 2003.8;

  6. 刘琼荪,任善强, 龚劬,傅鹂, Mathematic Experiment Course: Teaching Mode and its practice, ICTMA 10,Beijing,2001.7;5.

  7. Liu Qiongsun, Ren Shanqiang, Fu Li, Gong Qu ,Mathematical Experiment Course: Teaching mode and its Practice,MATHEMATICAL MODELLING IN EDUCATION AND CULTURE: ICTMA10 (国际会议论文集),2003.6,;

  8. 刘琼荪,任善强,龚劬,傅鹂,开展数学实验课程教学,促进大学数学教学改革,工科数学,2002.1;

  9. Gong Qu et al,A new extension method for wavelet transform,The 2th International Conference on CEA,Beijing, 1999.11;

  10. 龚劬,数学建模教学、竞赛及其培训经验,第八届全国数学建模教学与应用会议,大连,2003.8;

  11. 刘琼荪等,基于人工神经网络的乳腺癌诊断模型,太阳成集团学报(自然科学版),2003.4;

  12. 钟波,刘琼荪,付鹂,知识经济时代应用数学本科教育改革的几点思考,高等理科教育,2002.4,;

  13. 刘琼荪,任善强,龚劬,傅鹂, 数学实验课程的教学模式与实践, 太阳成集团学报(社科版),2001.5,vol.7, No.5,;

  14. 任善强,抓好赛区数学建模竞赛,促进工科数学教学改革,第九届全国数学建模教学与应用会议,太原,2005.8;

  15. 龚劬,FPGA片段设计的图论模型,第九届全国数学建模教学与应用会议,太原,2005.8;

  16. 刘琼荪,计算机网络病毒随机传播的概率模型,第九届全国数学建模教学与应用会议,太原,2005.8;

  17. 段正敏,关于《数学实验》课程设置的实践与认识,中国民航飞行学报,2002.6;

  18. 段正敏等,课堂教学设计初探, 工科数学, 2001.9;

  19. 牛劲、段正敏,科学设计工科数学课堂教学培养员工综合素质和创新能力, 中国民航飞行学报, 2000,3;

  20. 王开荣,王新质,高等数学教学模式研究,太阳成集团学报(社科版),2003.5;

  21. 王开荣,数学的哲学思想与创造性思维的培养,太阳成集团学报(社科版),2003.6期;

  22. 何中市,自然语言处理与统计语言模型,外国语言文学研究,2004,6, 4(2): 39-45;

  23. 李良炎、何中市、易勇,基于词联接的语义分析原理及其算法,太阳成集团学报,2004.4, 27(8): 69-74


  1. Chuandong Li, et al. “Lag synchronization of hyperchaos with application to communications”. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 23 (2005): 183-193.

  2. Chuandong Li, et al. A unified approach for impulsive lag synchronization of chaotic systems with time delay. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 23 (2005): 1177-1184.

  3. Chuandong Li, et al. “New Algebraic Conditions for Global Exponential Stability of Delayed Recurrent Neural Networks”. Neurocomputing. 64, 319-333, 2005.

  4. Chuandong Li, et al. Delay-dependent exponential stability analysis of bi-directional associative memory neural networks: an LMI approach. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 24(4) 1119-1134, 2005.

  5. Chuandong Li, et al. Global exponential robust stability analysis of DNN: an LMI approach. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 25 (3) 751-757, 2005.

  6. Chuandong Li, et al. Impulsive synchronization of chaotic systems. Chaos 15, 023104 (2005).

  7. Yang XF, Su WF, Chen B, Megson GM, Evans DJ, On the recursive sequence , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 162(3) (2005) 1485-1497. (SCI, EI).

  8. Yang XF, Evans DJ, Megson GM, The locally twisted cubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 82(4) (2005) 401-413. (SCI)

  9. Yang XF, Evans DJ, Megson GM, Tang YY, On the path-connectivity vertex-pancyclicity and edge-pancyclicity of crossed cubes, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, 13(1) (2005) 107-118.

  10. Yang XF, Megson GM, Evans DJ, A comparison-based diagnosis algorithm tailored for crossed cube multiprocessor systems, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 29(4) (2005) 169-175. (SCI, EI)

  11. Yang XF, Global exponential periodicity of a class of neural networks with recent-history distributed delays, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 25(2) (2005) 441-447. (SCI, EI)

  12. Yang XF, the system of rational difference equations , , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 307(1) (2005) 305-311. (SCI)

  13. Yang XF, Maximum induced subgraph of a recursive circulant, Information Processing Letters, 95(1) (2005) 293-298. (SCI, EI)

  14. Yang XF, Liao XF, Evans DJ, Tang YY, Existence and stability of periodic solution in impulsive Hopfield neural networks with finite distributed delays, Physics Letters A, 343(1-3) (2005) 108-116. (SCI)

  15. YONG YI, ZHONG-SHI HE, LIANG-YAN LI etc., Advanced Studies on Traditional Chinese Poetry Style Identification. Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 18-21 August 2005 (ICML05), pp. 3830-3833.

  16. Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li, Shangbo Zhou. Hopf bifurcation and chaos in micro-economic models with policy lag. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 25(1) 91-108, 2005.

  17. Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li. An LMI approach to asymptotical stability of multi-delayed neural networks. Physica D. 200(1-2) 139-155, 2005.

  18. Yang XF, Evans DJ,Tang YY, Existence and Stability of Periodic Solution in a Class of Impulsive Neural Networks, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Neural Networks, 2005 1: 265-270. (SCI)

  19. JUN QIN, ZHONG-SHI HE, An SVM Face Recognition Method on Gabor-Featured Key Points, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 18-21 August 2005 (ICML05), pp. 5144-5149.

  20. 黄永文、何中市,基于互信息的统计语言模型平滑技术,中文信息学报,2005.7, 19(4):46-51

  21. 王源媛、何中市,基于词性探测的中文姓名识别算法,计算机科学,2005.4, 32(4):84-86

  22. Gong Qu, et al,A new class of biorthogonal wavelet filters , Journal of information & computational science 1(2) 247-252, 2004. (EI);

  23. Gong Qu, et al,A new class of linear phase filterbanks and its application to image compression, The Proceedings of International Symposium on computing and information, vol.1, 2004

  24. Gong Qu, et al,A new class of linear phase filterbanks and its application to image compression, The Proceedings of International Symposium on computing and information, vol.1, 2004

  25. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Kwok-wo Wong. “Chaotic lag synchronization of coupled time-delayed system and its applications in secure communication”. Physica D.  194 (2004) 187-202.

  26. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao. “Complete and lag synchronization of chaotic systems via small impulses”. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 22(2004): 857-867.

  27. Chuandong Li and Xiaofeng Liao, Rong Zhang. “Impulsive Synchronization of Nonlinear Coupled Chaotic Systems”. Physics Letters A. 328 (2004): 47-50.

  28. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Rong Zhang. “Global robust asymptotical stability of multi-delayed interval neural networks: an LMI approach”. Physics Letters A.  328 (2004): 452-462.

  29. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao. “Lag synchronization of Rossler system and Chua circuit via a scalar signal”. Physics Letters A.  329 (2004) 301-308.

  30. Yonglu Shu, Bangding Tan, Chuandong Li. “Control of Chaotic n-dimensional Continuous- time System with Delay to what ever you want”. Physics Letters A, 323(2004): 251-259.

  31. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao. “On robust exponential stability of delayed neural networks with a general class of activation functions”. The proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits And Systems (ICCCS’04), Vol. II, 1037-1041.

  32. Guoping Tang and Chuandong Li. “A watermarking Algorithm based on chaotic maps”. The proceedings of the international computer congress 2004 on Wavelet analysis and its applications, and active media technology, vol.1, 168-174.

  33. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Yong Chen. “On the robust stability of bidirectional associative memory neuralnetworks with constant delays”. 2004 International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN2004), Proceedings, Part I, 102-107.

  34. Haoyang Tang, Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao. “Exponential stability analysis for a neural    network with parameter fluctuations”. 2004 International Symposium on Neural Networks   (ISNN2004), Proceedings, Part I, 61-66.

  35. Guoping Tang; Xiaofeng Liao; Di Xiao; Chuandong Li; A secure communication scheme based on symbolic dynamics. Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2004. ICCCAS 2004.   2004 International Conference on , Volume: 1 , 27-29 June 2004, Pages:13 - 17 Vol.1

  36. Di Xiao; Xiaofeng Liao; Guoping Tang; Chuandong Li; Using Chebyshev chaotic map to construct infinite length hash chains. Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2004. ICCCAS  2004. 2004 International. Conference on , Volume: 1 , 27-29 June 2004, Pages:11 - 12 .

  37. Yang XF, The diameter of honeycomb rhombic tori, Applied Mathematics Letters, 17(2) (2004) 167-172. (SCI, EI)

  38. Yang XF, Evans DJ, Chen B, Megson GM, Lai HJ, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81(5) (2004) 515-525. (SCI)

  39. Yang XF, A fast diagnosis algorithm for hypercube multiprocessor systems under the pessimistic one-step diagnosis, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 64(4) 546-553. (SCI, EI)

  40. Yang XF, Megson GM, Fault tolerance of M?bius cubes under two forbidden fault set models, InternationalJournal of Computer Mathematics, 81(8) (2004) 909-916. (SCI)

  41. Yang XF, Evans DJ, Lai HJ, Megson GM, Generalized honeycomb torus is hamiltonian, Information Processing Letters, 92(1) (2004) 31-37. (SCI, EI)

  42. Yang XF, Megson GM, Evans DJ, Locally twisted cubes are 4-pancyclic, Applied Mathematics Letters, 17(8) (2004) 919-925. (SCI, EI)

  43. Yang XF, Evans DJ, Megson GM, On the maximal connected component of hypercube with faulty vertices (II), IntYang XF, Su WF, Chen B, Megson GM, Evans DJ, On the recursive sequence , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 162(3) (2005) 1485-1497. (SCI, EI). ernational Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81(10) (2004) 1175-1185. (SCI)

  44. Yang XF, Chen B, Megson GM, Evans DJ, Global attractivity in a recursive sequence, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 158(3) (2004) 667-682. (SCI, EI)

  45. Yang XF, Lai HJ, Evans DJ, Megson GM, Global asymptotic stability in a rational recursive sequence, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 158(3) (2004) 703-716. (SCI, EI)

  46. Yang XF, Megson GM, On the double-vertex-cycle -connectivity of crossed cubes, Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 19(1) 1-9. (EI)

  47. Yang XF, Megson GM, Zhang SM, Liu XP, A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb tori, Parallel Processing Letters, 14(3-4) (2004) 399-410. (EI)

  48. Yang XF, Megson GM, Zhang SM, Liu XP, A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb meshes, Parallel Processing Letters, 14(3-4) (2004) 411-422. (EI)

  49. Hou QB, Yang XF, Wang YS, Huang XS, An image scrambling algorithm based on wavelet transform and knight’s tour, Computer Research and Development, 41(2) (2004) 369-375. (EI)

  50. YUAN-YUAN WANG, ZHONG-SHI HE, A New Approach to Chinese Person Names Recognition Based on Part-of-Speech Detecting, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004 (ICML04), pp. 2969-2972. (EI)

  51. YONG YI, ZHONG-SHI HE, LIANG-YAN LI etc., Studies on TraditionalChinese Poetry Style Identification, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004 (ICML04), pp. 2936-2939. (EI,)

  52. LIANG-YAN LI, ZHONG-SHI HE, YONG YI, Poetry Stylistic Analysis Technique based on Term Connections (ICML04), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Shanghai, 26-29 August 2004 (ICML04), pp. 2713-2718. (EI)

  53. Yinong Chen, Zhongshi He, Bounds on the Reliability of Distributed Systems with Unreliable Nodes and Links, IEEE Trans. On Reliability. 2004.6, Vol.53, No.2: pp205-215. (SCI, EI)

  54. 李良炎、何中市、易勇,基于词联接的语义表示方法和知识库建设,太阳成集团学报,2004.4, 27(4): 34-38

  55. 王开荣.具有混合约束二次函数的逼近算法,太阳成集团学报(自然版),2004.01;

  56. 温罗生,李泽民, "含有线性等式约束和非线性规划的Larange降维算法", 全国第七届运筹学大会论文集,2004.10;

  57. 龚劬,基于小波变换的零森林图像压缩方法,计算机科学,2004.3,Vol.31, No.3;

  58. 龚劬,具有一定消失矩的优化线性相位滤波器, 高校应用数学学报, 2004.4;

  59. 杨大地,改进型遗传算法及其在TSP中的运用,太阳成集团学报,2004.7;

  60. 杨大地,基于遗传模拟退火算法的最小一乘法,太阳成集团学报,2004.11;

  61. 杨大地,基于SuperMap的城市交通可达性评价方法,太阳成集团学报,2004.11;

  62. Chuandong Li, Deyin Wu. Fuzzy submatroids. Journal of ChongqingUniversity (Natural Science Version), 2004, 27 (2): 68-72. In Chinese.

  63. Yuming Yang, Chuandong Li. Chaos application to genetic algorithms. Computer Engineering and application. 2004, 40(5): 76-77. In Chinese.

  64. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Shaojiang Deng. Stability analysis for TS model based delayed fuzzy chaotic control systems. Journal of ChongqingUniversity (Natural Science Version), 2004, 27 (5): 21-24. In Chinese.

  65. Chuandong Li, Xiaofeng Liao. Global exponential robust stability analysis of neural networks with constant delays. Journal of ChongqingUniversity (English Version), 2004 (1). In English.

  66. WANG Kai-rong,FU Hongyuan,DUAN Jun. Research on the Construction of Small Towns and the DevelopmentalMode of Clustering of Township Enterprises in the Mountainous Areas in Chongqin.JOURNAL OF CHONGQING UNIVERSITY(English Edition),Papers of PhDs & PhD Candidates.Vol.3Special Issue September 2004.

  67. Yang XF, Hou QB, Huang XS, Xuan HN, On the difference between the domination number and the minus domination number of a cubic graph, Applied Mathematics Letters, 16(7) (2003) 1089-1093. (SCI, EI)

  68. Huang XS, Yang XF, Wang YS, The construction of median morphological wavelet based on lifting scheme, in: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003. (EI, ISTP)

  69. Yang XF, A linear time fault diagnosis algorithm for hypercube multiprocessors under the MM* comparison model, in: Proceedings of the 12th Asian Test Symposium, 2003, pp. 50-55. (ISTP)

  70. Yang XF, Zhao LJ, Megson GM, Evans DJ, A system-level fault diagnosis algorithm based on preprocessing and parallel Hopfield neural network, in: The 4th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, Digest of Papers, 2003, pp. 189-196.

  71. Yang XF, Megson GM, Evans DJ, A fast fault diagnosis algorithm for crossed cube connected multicomputer systems under the Maeng-Malek model, in: The 4th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, Digest of Papers, 2003, pp. 197-204.

  72. Yang XF, Megson GM, A sufficient condition for pessimistically t/t diagnosable systems with application to cube-connected systems, in: The 4th IEEE Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing, Digest of Papers, 2003, pp. 205-210.

  73. Huang XS, Yang XF, Wang YS, The construction of multidimensional morphological wavelets based on lifting scheme, Chinese Journal of Automation, 29(5) (2003) 726-732. (EI);

  74. 杨大地,求多项式全部零点的异步并行算法,太阳成集团学报,2003.7;

  75. Shaojiang Deng, Chuandong Li and Xiaofeng Liao. Logistic map based psedo-random bit generation with application to chaotic stream cipher algorithms. Computer Science, 2003, 30 (12): 95-98. In Chinese.

  76. LIANG-YAN LI, ZHONG-SHI HE, YONG YI, Principles and algorithms of semantic analysis, 2003 Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC03), Xi’an China, November 2-5, 2003, pp. 1613-1618.(EI)

  77. Yinong Chen, Zhongshi He, The Simulation of a Highly Dependable Distributed Computing Environment, Simulation (Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International), Vol.79, No. 5 - 6, May - June, 2003, pp.316 - 327.(SCI,EI)

  78. Yinong Chen, Zhongshi He, Simulating highly dependable applications in a distributed computing environment, in the proceedings of the 36th Annual Simulation Symposium(ANSS-36 2003), March 30 - April 2, 2003, Orlando, Florida, pp.101-108.(ISTP)

  79. Dadi Yang, et. al, Necessary condition for central configuration of six-body problems, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 2003.7;

  80. Deyin Wu, Chuandong Li. The characteristics of fuzzy closure operator in fuzzy matroids. Journal of ChongqingUniversity (Natural Science Version), 2002, 25(1): 130-133. In Chinese.

  81. Chuandong Li, Deyin Wu. The dual and hyperplane of fuzzy matroids. Journal of ChongqingUniversity (Natural Science Version), 2002, 25(4): 116-119. In Chinese.

  82. Chuandong Li, Wenbin Liu. An approach for fast research of database windows in PB. Computer application and research, 2002 Extend version,116-117. In Chinese.

  83. Yinong Chen, Zhongshi He, Developing highly dependable application in a distributed system environment, in the proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (IWADS2002), Beijing, China, November 2002, pp.28-34. (ISTP)

  84. Zhongshi He, Yufang Tian, Yinong Chen, Simulating the reliability of distributed systems with unreliable nodes. The International J. of Simulation, 2002.6, Vol.3(1-2), pp 68-79

  85. Yinong Chen, Zhongshi He, Yufang Tian, Efficient reliability modeling of the heterogeneous autonomous decentralized systems. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2001.10, E84-D(10)1360-1367. (SCI, EI);

  86. Yinong Chen, Zhongshi He, Dependability modelling of homogeneous and heterogeneous distributed systems, in the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized System (ISADS2001), Dallas, USA, March 2001, pp.176-183.(ISTP)

  87. Zhongshi He, Yinong Chen, A new approach for bounding network reliability, in the proceedings of the IX Brazilian Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (IX SCTF), Florianopolis, Brazil, March 2001, pp.150-163.

  88. 王开荣、傅鸿源. 小城镇建设的渐进式决策方法,重庆建筑大学学报, 2002年6月;

  89. 王开荣、傅鸿源. 城市规划与系统工程, 重庆建筑大学学报(社科版), 2001年12月

  90. Fu Li, et al.Comparison of three image reconstruction algorithms for electrical capacitance tomography. Electrical Tomography-Industrial and Medial, IEE Midlands Engineering Centre, Birmingham,18 September 2000.


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